Ruby on rails vs django: Which one to choose?

Previously, we already compared the different systems so that you can choose the right one for your project. This time we bought two big ones in web development, Ruby on rails vs django, two popular frameworks, each with their own strengths.

While Ruby on Rails is based on the Ruby programming language, Django uses Python.This choice can significantly affect performance, productivity, and satisfaction as the project progresses. Let’s take a look at their characteristics and differences without further ado.

Ruby on rails vs django: What is Ruby on Rails?

Ruby on Rails written in the Ruby programming language commonly known as Rails which is a web development framework. Rails follows the principles of “Convention over Configuration” and Model-View-Controller design pattern ( MVC) background which focus on simplicity and performance) Main Features:

Configuration Conventions:

Rails is amenable to using standardized conventions for common tasks in software development services, reducing the amount of code needed and speeding up development.

MVC pattern:

It separates application logic into three interconnected components, making code management and maintenance easier.

DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself):

This principle encourages the reduction of duplication, resulting in cleaner, more efficient, and less error-prone code.

Gems and Bundler:

Rails uses “gems” which are packages of code to add additional functionality to applications. Bundler helps manage these gems.

Database Migrations:

They facilitate changes to the database structure, allowing these changes to be versioned and distributed in a consistent manner.

Ruby on rails vs django: What is Django?

Django is a top web development framework that promotes fast and clean development. Written in Python, developed by Adrian Hollowaty and Simon Willison, it was released publicly in 2005. It is known for its focus on “development by continuity” and the principle that “information that is obvious is better than obvious” on.

Main Features:

ORM (Object-Relational Mapper):

ORM helps developers to easily manipulate the data to interact with the database using Python code instead of raw SQL

MVT (Model-View-Template) architecture:

Similar to MVC, but with a slightly different focus on managing the user interface and business logic.

Django Admin:

An automatically generated administrative interface that allows users to manage website content

Ruby on rails vs django comparison


Ruby on Rails has its language based on Ruby programming, which has a flexible interface. On the other hand, Django has a Python-based web framework, and its language is easier to learn because its syntax is simpler.


Ruby on Rails runs under a BSD license, which has a low restriction for open source software, which imposes no redistribution requirements. While Django works under the MIT license, which grants permissions and indemnifies custom software development services for future use.

Design architecture:

Ruby bases its Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, and Django has the Model-View-Template (MVT) architecture.


In comparison, the RoR framework is 0.7% faster than Django.

Learning curve:

RoR has a smoother learning curve thanks to its flexible interface. Still, Django is easier to get started for developers with Python experience.


Django is more structured, on the other hand, RoR presents greater flexibility and although it follows conventions, it also allows more room for customization by developers.

Application in web development:

While Rails is used for e-commerce, web projects and meta-programming. The Django framework is used for the development of websites with a large amount of data, it is ready for data science projects, data learning, among others.

Community Support:

Django is quite popular among developers. And on the other hand, Ruby on Rails is preferred by expert developers due to its flexibility.

Use cases:

Websites like Airbnb and Shopify use Rails, while Django powers platforms like Instagram and Pinterest. Rails is ideal for projects that need rapid development, while Django is preferred for applications with complex data models.

Ruby on rails vs django Which framework to choose?

To choose between the Django and Ruby on Rails frameworks, it is necessary to analyze the cases in which each one works. Below, we will discuss some cases that will undoubtedly help you choose between both web development tools, in addition to giving you a long-term development perspective.

Cases to choose Django

This framework is great for:

  • Work with huge databases and complex websites, as it has a powerful ORM.

  • Projects that require mathematics and complex computing.

  • Applications with a lot of user traffic.

  • Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Solutions.

  • Create a REST API.

Cases to choose Ruby on Rails

This option is perfect if your project requires:

  • Create quick solutions.

  • If it is about developing a simple project and MVP.

  • For e-commerce projects.

  • Companies that need high scalability.

  • Famous front-end libraries and frameworks.


As you can see, both web development frameworks are suitable depending on the type of project you want to work on. It is just a matter of analyzing the pros and cons of each one to choose the most profitable tool according to your needs and of course taking into account the long-term perspectives.

Author Bio:

Glad you are reading this. I’m Yokesh Shankar, the COO at Sparkout Tech, one of the primary founders of a highly creative space. I’m more associated with digital transformation solutions for global issues. Nurturing in Fintech, Supply chain, AR VR solutions, Real estate, and other sectors vitalizing new-age technology, I see this space as a forum to share and seek information. Writing and reading give me more clarity about what I need.